Industry 4.0

The Brewery of the Future

What is Industry 4.0

“Industry 4.0” is part of the fourth industrial revolution. It involves fully digitized, connected and interconnected systems, thanks to wireless connections and sensors.

“Smart” intelligence is also landing in the mechanical industry, and we at EnoBeer are keen to offer the best technology to our customers. The production processes of a 4.0 plant will be more efficient and optimized, as well as have greater automation.

In particular, Industry 4.0 plants will be easier to operate, safer, more efficient, and more sustainable. But they will not lose their handcrafted nature, staying true to tradition.

Keeping up with Technology

The Smart Intelligence

Smart Technology allows for shorter action times. Typically lengthy procedures can be carried out with much quicker timelines. You will be able to control your plant remotely through Smart devices such as PCs, tablets or smartphones by programming fermentations and recipes without the necessary presence of an operator. Parameter corrections and evaluations will also be able to be done remotely allowing you to quickly resolve any problem.

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– For information on customized installations.
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